
October Discount - $10 off your Bungee Beast

We are happy to announce our October discount - $10 any Bungee Beast order.  Why wait, order yours today. Bungee cords are good for all sorts of th...

Bungee Cords...Many Uses...Bungee Beast, Just Makes It Easier

The reason the Bungee Beast exists is because we use bungee cords.  We use them for all sorts of things - they make a great pair of extra hands, th...

Bungee Beast 1- Competition -0

If bungee's are your thing, and your looking for something to hold and store your bungee cords, look no further. Bungee Beast® is 100% the product ...

Free Shipping on ALL domestic BungeeBeast orders during August - order now

Hi, we hope everyone is enjoying their summer and the associated outdoor activities.  We know that whether its around the house, out on the trail, ...

Heading Back To Bungee Beast® University

Trying to figure out how to pack all of your son or daughter's belongings into one car for a long trip back to school? Bungee Beast® may be just wh...

Bungee Beast® Your Vacation Plans Tightly to the Car!

This past weekend the Infinite Limit LLC and Bungee Beast® team got together for a weekend away from all the noise, and lived in a house along the ...

"Born in the USA" Bungee Beast® Springsteen

 Your walking down an aisle and pick up a random product off the shelves. It can be any product, a toy, appliance, tool, anything you wish. Now ima...

Tell Us What You Think About Bungee Beast®

Happy with your shiny new Bungee Beast®? Less headaches from spending half an hour untangling bungee cords stashed away in the garage? Of course yo...

Bungee Beast®, Homegrown In The USA

In a world where it seems like nothing is manufactured proudly in the USA anymore, Bungee Beast® the bungee cord organizer, stands tall. Infinite L...

Why Bungee Beast®? It's Real Simple...

Recently I was given the opportunity to sit in with the Bungee Beast® team for a product demonstration. To all you bungee lovers out there, I have ...

4th of July Bungee Beast® sale!

Happy 4th of July from Infinite Limit LLC and the Bungee Beast brand, committed to being made right here in America. Fulfill your patriotic needs w...

Bungee Beast Invades Adams Fairacre Farms!

Bungee Beast® and all its might has overtaken Adams Fairacre Farms on 1240 Route 300Newburgh, NY 12550. Landscaping around the house? Preparing a c...